Our God of Love Created us to Love Him and to Love Others


All Faiths/Religions . . .

. . . Joining Hands to Overcome
Our World's Divisions and Polarization
by Sharing Ministries in a Vineyard of God's Love . . .

. . . Providing the Opportunities to
Plant -Harvest and Maintain
the Seeds of Hope, Unity, and Community

Ministry-Vineyard Vision

In 2014, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and 1st Presbyterian Church both located in Leesburg Fl. formed a Food Pantry - JOINING HANDS IN FOOD MINISTRY.

Currently, JHIFM and its Volunteers (avg. age 75+) have been providing on the second Friday of every month, on average, over 600-700 family members a full week of meals totalling over 12,000 lbs. of nutritious foods.


A. Beginnings: For future needs, it was decided to prepare Standard Operating Procedure guidelines for those who might follow.
B. Locally: Share this information with other local Churches and Organizations so they they could use part or all of the JHIFM SOP guidlines should they undertake food Ministry.
C. Universally: Develop a Website with associated functions and provisions so all Faiths/Religions Worldwide will have the opportunity to share this Ministry and many other Outreach Ministries. 

  • The Vineyard is Available To All - (See Invitation) below:

Making a Difference One Meal at a Time

At Ministry Vineyard, when People of all Faiths/Religions Join Hands and Plant Seeds of God's Love, Hearts, Minds, and Lives are Changed; and through these Roots of Serventude and Outreach, Worldly Divisions and Polarization, will be replaced with Community.

Come, Join, and Plant, Harvest, and Maintain: Unlimited Ministries In A Vineyard Of God’s Love.

1. Welcome to Ministry-Vineyard

As manifested in the Invitation when all Faiths/Religions Worldwide join hands in Ministry, change will come to hearts and minds.

Collaborative participation and outreach will benefit others we may never know; however, they like all who join hands, will experience the oneness of purpose and joy in their hearts.

2. Contact Information

Ministry-Vineyard as with most Informational and Participation venues provides a contact us form

3. Terms of Service: it will set forth the terms and conditions of use.

4. Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) Section 

5. Footer Section

Contains quick links to important pages - About Us, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service.

Plant #1

1. Upload Your Files with a Free and Secure Files Sharing Platform

This section explains how to upload files, with a form for title, description, file selection, and allows users to choose compatible file types and sizes.

2. SOP Templates and Guidelines Section

Provide access to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Templates and guidelines to assist users with their uploads and file management, with links to download these resources.

3. Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) Section  

Harvest #2

1. Download Available Files

This section allows users to browse and download files that have been uploaded by others in the community, showing file titles and brief descriptions alongside download buttons.

2. Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) Section  

Maintain #3

1. Stabilize - Energize - Mobilize

This section allows users to further participate through various donations that will focus on maintaining the Ministry-Vineyard vision
2. Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) Section  

Nurturing Opportunity and Unity

Ministry-Vineyard welcomes all Faiths/Religions to join together in an realm of openness, respect, trust, and oneness of purpose. Interfaith programs build bridges of understanding between traditions through dialogue, learning and community service.

interfaith events
Ministry-Vineyard where all can share
God's Love
  • Outreach Ministry
  • Hospitality Ministry 
  • Community Forum
online content
 Library of Understanding

Articles, podcasts and videos about our world's faith traditions and how to build interreligious cooperation locally and globally.

volunteers together
Making a Difference, now and for those who will follow:

All Faiths/Religions can participate as planning team members and provide a ever growing, sustainable Vineyard of God's Love

Contact us to learn more.

Copyright Ministry Vineyard 2024. All rights reserved.